Tag: bicycle

  • Re-Cycling in France with the “Bobigny à vélo” event

    Re-Cycling in France with the “Bobigny à vélo” event

    The European project “Re-Cycling – On the road, again” arrived in France at the “Bobigny à vélo” event on Saturday 25 May organized by “L’Heureux Cyclage”, French national network of bicycle workshops. On the plan, activities to learn about bicycle mechanics for children, a bike exchange, an exhibition on the circular economy of bicycles, creations…

  • Exciting riding fair in the Ticino river natural park

    Exciting riding fair in the Ticino river natural park

    On Friday, April 19th, the Italian educational-sports event of the European Project “Re-cycling. Bike Reuse and Riding Fair” took place in Cameri, in the province of Novara, at the historic Villa Picchetta. 130 students from the “Francesco Tadini” Secondary Schools in Cameri and “Luigi Majno” in Gallarate (province of Varese), along with their teachers, participated…

  • Bike repair workshop for 90 students in Cameri (Novara, Italy)

    Bike repair workshop for 90 students in Cameri (Novara, Italy)

    Training activities continue in schools as part of the Re-Cycling project. On March 20th 2024, a bicycle repair workshop was held at the Tadini Institute in Cameri (Novara province, Italy), involving approximately 90 middle school students. The training was conducted by Decathlon bike mechanics, free of charge on a voluntary basis, thanks to a collaboration…